Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Essay about Egypt.. ISP project..

There are many cultures in the world. Some cultures are famous for history, while I choose Egypt. Egypt is a very big country. It is has a good location and public facilities. Also, it is located in the North-East of the continent of Africa. In my view, Egypt is rich agriculture and it has a river Nile.

There are two religion in Egypt are Islam and Christians. Islam is more people than Christians. First, the colors of the flag of the Arab Republic of Egypt are red, white and black. Also, it has over the white color a logo. The capital of Egypt is Cairo. Arab Republic of Egypt is located in the continent of Africa. Second, they are many Governorates, I think just 27 Governorates. For example, Ismailia, Cairo, Aswan, Red Sea, and it has many Governorates. In sum, there are two religion in Egypt are Islam and Christians.

People in Egypt have several traditions since the era of the pharaohs. First, pharaonic civilization discovery feature embalming. For example, they take his body to the tent known as 'ibu'. Moreover, there the embalmers wash his body with good smell, and rinse it with water from the Nile. Then they cut in his body and removes many of the internal organs. It is important to remove these because they are the first part of the body to decompose. Of beliefs, they take is the heart out of the body because the men will need in the afterlife. In addition, they covered his body and stuffed with natron, which will dry it out. In the past, when the internal organs were removed from a body they were placed in hollow canopic jar, and it is name the mummy. In sum, people in Egypt have several traditions since the era of the pharaohs.

To conclude, Egypt is rich agriculture and it has a river Nile. They have several traditions since the era of the pharaohs. In my opinion, people should visit Egypt and go to pyramids. Also, it is very interesting to learn about pharaohs.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Which city is better- Abu Dhabi or Dubai? Why?

There are many fantastic cities around the world. Some cities are famous for history, while other cities are famous for shopping and entertaining. In the UAE, there are two important cities, Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Both of these cities have some advantages and some disadvantages. In my view, Abu Dhabi is a better city because it is smaller, and it has many opportunities.

Abu Dhabi is better than Dubai because it is smaller. First, there is less traffic in smaller cities. For example, it only takes about 20 minutes to travel from downtown Abu Dhabi to the other side. On the other hand, it can take one and a half hour to travel across Dubai. Second, small cities like Abu Dhabi are often more organized. For instance, in Abu Dhabi the roads are planned, so it is easy to find shopping malls such as Marina Mall. However, in Dubai you can easily get lost on the roads because they are always changing due to construction work. In short, Abu Dhabi is better than Dubai because it is smaller.

There are more opportunities in Abu Dhabi than Dubai. First, there are more entertainment opportunities in Abu Dhabi. For example, Abu Dhabi has much nicer free beaches than Dubai. Unlike Dubai, the beach road near 30th street have many nice activities such as renting bicycles and numerous cafes like Colds tone ice-cream and restaurants. Moreover, Abu Dhabi actually has more nice hotels with nice restaurants such as Saint Regis on Saadyat Island and the Viceroy on Yas Island. Second, Abu Dhabi has more job opportunities because it was not affected by the economic crises of 2008 the same way as Dubai. For instance, Abu Dhabi helped Dubai by giving money. In sum, Dubai has fewer opportunities than Abu Dhabi.

To conclude, Abu Dhabi is better place to live than Dubai because it is not as big, and it has more entertainment and work opportunity. There are simply more jobs and nice places to go in Abu Dhabi. In my opinion, any one living in Dubai should conceder moving to Abu Dhabi.

Essay .. Do you prefer to learn with the IPAD or with worksheet? Why?

There are Many ways to study in the world. Some people prefer to study with the IPAD, and some people prefer to study with the worksheets. I support the two things are important for the people. Both of these have some advantages and disadvantages. In my view, IPAD as a better because it is easy to carry, and it is useful.

IPAD is a better than worksheets because it is easy to carry. First, we can load many programs and exercises. For example, we can load useful programs and some useful games. On the other hand, we use IPAD in university to study English. It helps us to find information easily and see all what we need in Internet. Also, it helps us to do projects and homework. In short, IPAD is a better than worksheets because it is easy to carry.

There are more things useful we can do in IPAD. First, there are more entertainment programs useful in IPAD. For example, IPAD has more education programs than worksheets. More over, IPAD helps us in the spelling to spell the incorrect words. It helps me to correct the words. In contrast, if a worksheet spells wrong, it can't correction the words. In addition, IPAD has good memory to save assignment, so if we lose, we can download it, or we can tell a friend send it to us. On the other hand, a worksheet maybe lost because some people don't keep it. Also, when it increases numbers of paper becomes a big and heavy load. In sum, IPAD is more useful than worksheet.

To conclude, IPAD is a better work than worksheet because it is not lost anywhere, and it has more entertainment programs. They have nice program, and it is simple. In my opinion, anyone who has a worksheet should have an IPAD.

Summary listening ...

Text me..
They talk about mobile phones and the way they talk about messaging. They talk about very important part if daily life. The cellphone is important of daily life, and it's necessary. Many people can do cellphone they can text us. Text me mean send a massaging to write short some thing you do. Some people don't like send a massaging because does not express their feelings. I suppose it is important to have cards in your phone. If you don't have a cards in your phone you can't send any massage. The people use a different word to use a massage. There are different between use it, and use all up. Use up is mean card is finish and completed. Some people send 100 massages.There is some thing in America it's name text talk or text speak ,in this you can just write short message because the message are short people have to stared change the way to spall all write the words . younger generation like the use the word short like brother write bro.

Christmas Day..
Christmas Day is a best time of year. It woke up snow and delicious big eggs and cake. Christmas Day has a special breakfast. The children are happy in Christmas Day. They woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning, but sometimes the children don't happy because they don't want this gift. The very popular thing is eggnog do it just in Christmas Day, and it is disgusting drink. Some family have a special dinner in Christmas Day. In addition, about the kids wait to early to open the gifts and play. It is great time to spend with your family.

Mobile Phone Plan..
They talk about Mobile Phone Plan and getting Mobile Phone Plan. In the dialog they going to compare to types of Mobile Phone Plan. The pre pied plan and monthly pied plan. Pre pied plan pickle just like the name say just you pay before you use the minutes, say many to buy a car. But monthly pied plan is different have two pay each month, in the end each of month. You pay everything you use. It very interesting you use Mobile Phone Plan usually work.

Getting a pet..
They talk about animals. A long people have to pets. They don't talk about animals at zoo. They talk about pets at home. When they have a pet this is a very big responsibility. A special kind of bird that a parrot. A parrot usually can talk what we say or sounds. When we say hello the parrot say hello. Another pet is hamster, this little pet like a mouse, this small, round and they live in glass cages.

The 7 wonders of the world..
They talk about the special place. They talk about the famous list of The 7 wonders of the world. The Great Wall In China, the Taj Mahal in India, Petra in Jordan, Machu Picchu in Peru, Chichen Itza pyramid in Mexico, Christ The Redeemer Statue in Brazil and Colosseum in Rome. A wonder is wonderful. The Great Wall In China is very long 1000km long. The Taj Mahal in India, it is very big and all white marble. Petra in Jordan is very interesting and famous you like watch movie like India Jone. Machu Picchu in Peru is very old cities. It is mountain. Chichen Itza pyramid in Mexico, it is same pyramid but it has steps. Christ The Redeemer Statue in Brazil, it is mean redeem your self and safe.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Reported Crimes 1998-2000

This graph shows the average of several crimes happen in different countries. This figure is a bar graph, so it has two axis. The X axis means the amount of three crimes in different countries, and the Y axis means the number of crimes reported for every thousand people. The highest amount of total reported burglaries is in UK, and the lowest one in reported burglaries is in Hong Kong. Also, the highest amount of total reported car thefts is in UK, and the lowest one in reported burglaries is in Saudi Arabia. I measured that the reported car thefts in Malaysia and South Africa about the same, so it's about 2. Also, the highest amount of total reported robberies is in South Africa, and the lowest are two in reported robberies are in Malaysia and Hong Kong because they it's same. However, in Saudi Arabia no one is ever robbed. In conclusion, I can see That the crimes have different amount in shared in different countries.

Gorilla.. Watching Tours.. Rob waring, Series Editor.

The name 'Bwindi' means "place of darkness". The forests of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda are certainly big and dark. This is especially true when a group of tourists visit very early in the morning. The tourists continue walking. They realize that they will probably have to walk a long way to see gorillas. Behavioral ecologist Michele Goldsmith's job is studying how gorillas act in their natural environment. She's been studying Bwindi's gorillas for five years. The group keeps looking for the gorillas. There are more than 300 gorillas living in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, but it's possible that the group won't see any of them today. A young gorilla slowly stands up to look at the tourists. The tourists then realize that there are several gorillas in the area. They have found the group!. When the rain stops, the gorillas start to move again. First the silverback leaves. Then, a mother goes with her baby on her back. Several small gorillas follow the larger and older gorillas. The younger ones have lots of energy. The gorillas spend most of their time eating. They eat leaves, bark, fruit, and other plants. While the older gorillas eat, the younger gorillas play in the trees. The mountain gorillas Bwindi Impenetrable National Park are beautiful animals. Unfortunately, there are only about 700 mountain gorillas left n the world.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Cultural differences in counting..

Many people assume that numbers and math are the all over the world, but scientists have discovered that this is not true.People in different parts of the world use different methods to count on their fingers. In the U.S, people begin counting with their first, which they extend or stick out. They then extend the rest of their fingers. They count by folding the fingers inward. In China, people count by using a variety of finger positions. American uses tow hands to count to ten.Scientists have found that cultures and languages. Also differ when it comes to numbers. Some languages have only a few words for numbers. A group of scientists worked with aboriginal children in Australia. In most cultures, people count on fingers to indicate a number, but not in these aboriginal tribes. In tests, aboriginal children listened to taps from a stick and put the markers to match the number of taps they heard. They had to connect numbers with sounds and with actions. The children put out the correct number of markers. They were able to count even though they didn't have words for numbers. Similar study researchers from the Massachusetts Institute to a remote location in northwestern to test members .they do have words that mean "some" and "more" but they don't have words for precise numbers such as one or three .Professor Edward said that most people assume that everyone knows how to count. They could learn, but its not useful in their culture .Everyday lives the Piraha appear to have no need for numbers. They never heard them use words like all or every. They use "hoi" but it can also mean "small" or describe a small amount. All humans have the ability to understand quantities. Number words in a porticoes language are a result of people needing numbers. Scientists are gaining a new understanding of which abilities. Of the work these scientist noe we know that people have different ideas.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

My plans for this weekend.

My plans for this weekend. First, I sit at home today, and I will clean my bedroom. Also, I go to uncle home. Second, I will study IELTS. In addition, I will study some grammars. Third, I will cook pasta and mushroom. In conclusion, I will equip my dress, abaya and sheila on Saturday night because on Sunday I will go to Zayed University.