Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Peruvian Weavers.. Writing by: Series Editor

This story is about a group of women weavers in a small village. These weavers the hair from sheep and llamas to make cloth. The weavers make blanket for their heals and shawls to wear, so they can stay warm. In a small village high in the Andes, the weaving process starts with just one sheep. The methods they use are traditional, but these villagers really are part of something new. The wool is for a weavers' cooperative that the women here manage. Nilda Cayanupa is the leader of the Centre for traditional, and her dreams that the younger generation should learn how to weave, so the weaving wont die. According to Nilda, her village produces a lot of very good foods. Farming has been a tradition in Chinhero for a long time. Many farmers here continue the traditions of the Inca people who lived in the Andes for centuries. Nilda agrees that these women weavers are becoming more important. They are becoming the main economic supporters of the family. Weaving has become a way to make the textile tradition stronger and to keep a part of the past a live. The young women learn to be self-sufficient. They can sell the blankets and clothes that they make in their free time. In the end, their cooperative may show that many treads together are stronger than one a lone.

Monday, February 25, 2013

The great plastic garbage patch..

The great plastic garbage patch..
Garbage is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean . In this ocean there's an area the northern Pacific Gyre . I this circular movement , the Currents collect garbage . And , 90 percent of this garbage is plastic . Eighty percent of it comes from land . The garbage come fro every country whose shoreline touches the Pacific . A sailor named Charles Moore discovered the patches in 1997 , when sailing near Hawaii. He calculated that there were more 3 million tons of plastic in the water . All of this garbage is hurting the environment . Fish and seabirds often think little pieces of plastic are a king of food . However , most plastic is not biodegradable . Scientists say that cleaning up the garbage patches is impossible . We have to control the amount and keep beaches.

1- Zero Waste it is new idea for dealing with all the garbage in the world . Some cities like San Francisco already recycle 68percent of their trash . A company that's recycling food waste they put it all together and turn it into compost .

2- Before they started, Chris and her husband counted all the plastic items they used in a month. The total was 603, so for one month, they tried to live without plastic. They didn't succeed in not using any plastic, but they did bring the number of items down to 106.

Consider the ideas..
I think that recycling is a great thing. The problem is that we produce too much garbage in the first place. Some people will say that this is unfair because large families will pay more than people living a lot. Other things like water and electricity.

Nasreddin Hodja and the candle

One day during a particularly cold winter . Hodja and his friend sat in a coffeehouse discussing the weather . They spoke normally , but soon they were bragging about the things they could do . Hodja said he love cold and snow when he was a boy , but his friend he didn't believe his story . They make a challenge . His can you stay out all night without coat or a blanket or anything ? Hadja said of course no fire , no hot tea and no blanket . His friend said " if you can stay outside all night , you'll be our guest at a fine dinner and Hodja is agree with his friend . That evening the Hadje's friends watched through the windows of their warm houses as the Hodja strolled . Hodja imagined that the warmth of the light helped warm the blood . By doing this , he was able to stay out all night in the cold . In the morning his friend, stepping outside into the cold air, were amazed to find the Hodja calm and smiling. He had stayed outside all night. His friend said "are you sure that you didn't use anything special to warm yourself?"Hodja said " Unless you include a candle burning a hundred meters away. It's burning glow helped me to feel warm during the night. Screamed his friend. The Hodja protested that he was right and his friends were wrong. Reluctantly he invited them to dinner at his house that evening. The group arrived in good time, waiting for their meal. But they did not smell the delicious smells that would tell them that the Hodja was preparing a fine meal. The waiting men were hungry and began to complain. There was still no food. Hodja said to his friend, " the dinner is cooking. You can come and see for yourselves". When they arrived, they were amazed to see a large cooking pot hanging from the ceiling. His best friend said, " surely you don't expect to heat that pot with a candle. The dinner will never be cooked". Hodja said calmly," I'm not sure, if a candle that is a hundred meters away can keep me warm all night long. Then can heat pot for your dinner.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

About weekend..

After class on Thursday. I went to ride the bus. After that, t went to my uncle's home. I ate lunch with my family. Then I took a nap. After, I woke up at 7 p.m, and I did some duties, such as read a story, and I summarized the story. Then I ate a dinner with them. At 10 p.m I went home. Then I took a shower, and I slept with my little sister. On Friday, I woke up at 10 a.m. I pushed my teeth, and I ate breakfast. Also, I studied some exercises, and I worked on a project of 25 word. In the afternoon, my aunts, uncle, grandmother and cousin came to my home. In the evening, I cooked dinner with my sisters. Then we ate it. On Saturday, I woke up at 9 a.m. I took a shower. Then I ate breakfast. In addition, I record suffixes and prefixes. In the evening, I went to my uncle's home, and I ate dinner with them. After that, returned home.

How to make traditional Emirati dish?..

Traditional Emirati dish has a unique taste. I will write about "Arseeyah". Arseeyah is a simple and hearty rice chicken. It's a great food for young children. How do you make Arseeyah? Arseeyah is easy to make. It has a few ingredients. First, prepare ingredients for cooking process. The ingredients are 2 cups of rice, 2 litters of water, 1 large piece of cinnamon bark, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1/4 teaspoon black pepper powder and melted ghee butter. Second, put water and chicken in the pot for an hour. Also, put the cinnamon bark. Third, after the chicken is cooked, we mince it. Then put the rice in a large pot. In addition, make a sauce by putting a teaspoon powder and melted ghee together. Then put rice and chicken together in a pot and mix it. Finally, put the sauce over Arseeyah.

Listening 1: Sustainable Dave.

They are two persons talk about Sustainable Dave. Ari tells her about Sustainable Dave and he describe about it. Sustainable Dave is saving all of his trash for a year as an experiment. He wants to find out how much trash he's really producing. He is stores everything, bottles, newspaper, plastic bags, banana peels, and everything. In addition, he only exceptions are meat and milk products. Also, he's putting it down in the basement under his house. Also,Dave even does things like bring his own cup and spoon, and he goes out to buy a cup of coffee. Also, he does not use paper cups and plastic spoons. Dave has something called a worm farm. This process produces something called compost. Also, he does not smell as long as he does not put any meat or milk products in it.

My routine..

I have long days at university. First, sometimes, I wake up 6:50 a.m or 8:50 a.m. For example, I have different classed, so the classed begin at 8 a.m and 10 a.m. Second,I have different lessons, for example, reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocab and grammar. Third, in the break I go to the canteen to eat breakfast or lunch. Also, I go to the library. To read and do my homework. Finally, my friends and I go to university square. In addition, we go to the gym to do some exercises. In conclusion, I have long days at university, and when I return home, I feel so tired.

Summary of Mad Anthony summary unit 7 pp. 132-133.

1- Sometimes I heard someone use the phrase "throwaway society " . It is used as away of saying that we are too materialistic . The means of this thing too much of our stuff today s poor quality instead of being built to last .

2- The opposite way that we live in a throwaway society isn't a sign that things are worse . The true we don't repair things as much as we used to . And it's better that way .

3- To replace instead of repair shows that people are wealthy . Some people think that products today are less dependable than they used to be . In the other hand , most people would rather have something with a newer design , and vote with their wallets .

4- There are three reasons for Mad Anthony.first, lower prices. It costs less to make items, so they sell for less. Second, in creased wealth. People have more money than they did in the past. Those clothes were valuable, expensive and formed a significant part of their budget.

5- Another reasons for Mad Anthony is increased features. There is a good chance that the latest model includes some cool features that did not exist when your old one made. I hardly ever use my phone for an actual phone call any more because it can do so many other wonderful things. The benefit of increased features is another reason to buy something new. The throwaway society shows us how good.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The cinema.. Story.. John Escoh..

In these today is possible to buy video and watch a film at home, but now more people go to the cinema because it watch is better. In the beginning,the magic lanterns which projected painted glass slides on to a screen. After that, the cinema comes to Hollywood. If you wanted to get into the movies, Hollywood was the place to go. Also, there are many famous faces. Their representation was silent. The star system, it's pay them money then represent. Many children love an Animation, such us Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry, Popeye and Bugs Bunny. All these famous cartoon characters began their lives as simple pictures on paper. Inside or outside, in the very early years of the cinema, almost all filming was done outside. stunts and make-up, stunt men and stunt women are used when something is too difficult or too dangerous for the actor to do. Today's films appear on video, then on TV, after they have been seen by cinema audiences. But some old films don't look so good on TV.

Little women..(part-1)..

The story begins at Christmas time. The names of the girls are Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. They are unhappy because there father is in the war and they have a little money. After the holidays, he girls go back to work. Amy goes to school. At school, Amy teacher hits her hands and has her stand in front of the class. After she goes home and she is cry. One day, Amy burns the book that Jo has been writing. Jo won't forgive Amy.

About UAE..

The United Arab Emirats consists of seven Emirats which are Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Um Al-Queen, Ras Al-keema and Fujeerah. First, the capital is Abu Dhabi. Sheikh Khalifa is the head of State. Second, the flag of UAE consists of four colors are red, green, black and white. The red means strength, a green means hope, black means determination and white means peace and honesty. Third, customs and traditions in the UAE. We have in the UAE is choreographed. In conclusion,The UAE is a good place.

My holiday..

Last holiday, I went to Sharjah with my family. We went to grandfather home. We slept in grandfather home. Also, I went to see with my family and played in the see with children. In addition, my father and brother cooked barbecues. Next day, we went to the park. We played games and played football. Also, we went to mall. We watched a Indian movie. I love Indian movie. Then we ate in restaurant. In 18 of January, my cousin die. All family cried about her. I hope could be in paradise.

Cheese-Rolling" Paces.. Writing by: Series Editor.

In England, many towns have traditional competitions. Usually try to win a game or contest. Someone rolls a wheel of cheese down a very steep hill. Cheese-Rolling has been a tradition in the town of Brock Worth since the early 1800s. The competitors come together at the top of a hill named ' Cooper's Hill". They wail for someone to push a very large wheel of cheese down the hill. The first winner of the day in this year's competition is Craig Brown, a pub worker. Craig says that his plan was simple. The most important thing is just to continue running. Many people enjoy the Cheese-Rolling races of Brock Worth, but the race can be dangerous. A few years ago, 30 people were injured in an accident at a race. Some of the spectators were hit by the cheese. I this time, the competition route has crash barriers. It's not just the spectators who get injured, the competitors do as well. There are also more injures when there hasn't been much rain before the race. One organize for the event explains, " it's when the ground is really hard. When the injuries are going to happen. However, the hard ground doesn't seem to stop the competitors. One cheese runner thinks they may be. It's dangerous . The cheese racers of Brock Worth may just be crazy. However, the crowds keep on cheering. Also, the competitors keep on running-year after year.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Think before you toss

1- In our modern world, when something wears out, we throw it. There are problem such as : have growing mountains of trash. For example, In the USA per person throw there trash more than 1960.

2- Products are plentiful and prices are low, so we would rather buy something new than repair it. We did want to repair something, many items-from toasters to TVs-are almost impossible to repair. These products contain many tiny, complicated parts. Some contain small computer chips. It's easier to throw these items away and buy new ones than to fix them.

3- factor is our love of disposable product. We are always looking for ways to save time and make our lives easier. We should use cloth kitchen towels. It is easier to use a paper towel once and toss it out. Companies manufacture thousands of different kinds of disposable items, such as paper plates. Plastic cups, cameras, and razors for shaving. These products aren't designed to last. Companies know that consumers will have to replace. The problem is that disposable products are contributing to our trash problem.

4- All the consumers, went the latest clothes, the best TVs and cell phones with many of features. Companies tell us to buy, buy and buy. Some of companies persuade us that newer and the best things. The result is that we throw away useful possession to make a new ones. For example, In U.S the consumers get rid of electronics and 80% of them go to a dump. Also, only about 18% of electronic are recycled.

5- We can see the consequences of this throwaway lifestyle . To lessen the amount of teach and to protect the environment are requiring people to recycle materials such as paper , plastic , glass . In the United Kingdom , although about 60 percent of a household's trash can be recycled .

6- There is another solution to repair our possessions instead of throwing them away . We should think about how to fix something to make it last . Also, we need to rethink our attitudes about sending . The best way to reduce the amount of trash and take care of our environment .

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Ayesha Al-Hammadi

About me..

My name is Ayesha. My last name is Al-Hammadi. My birthday is 28 of April n 1993, so I'm 19 years old. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. I'm studying at Zayed University. I'm in level 6. My teacher name is Randy. My hobbies are ridding horse, swimming and reading a story. My favorite color are blue, orange, purple and yellow. In a free time I clean my room. Also, I talk with my friends.